Youth’s Points of Strength

It augurs well for any country when a large segment of its population is youthful.  This is not an overstatement but a proven fact.

Linked to youth, inter alia, are good stamina, vibrant work involvement, the tendency to exploration and an appetite to exercise change. These are. Indeed , faculties that any society can capitalize on for purposes of its development.

To achieve good affinity with youth, their proper upbringing should start well ahead  of their age of puberty.   This upbringing should carry the features of family cosiness, education and concrete link to their society.

Educationally, they should get  training  on  how  to  be analytical and decision maker. A part of their education can  be  geared  to vocational and DIY drills. Take you pick of the available examples of home plumbing, gardening, sewing  and baking.

Socially, it is highly recommended  that  they  enjoy family cosiness, parents counselling, interests sharing and enough time for dialogue. This  is  done to help coping to their challenges, averting misconduct and overcoming difficulties.

One recommended social method  which has been notably practiced in some societies is parents befriending of their youthful sons and daughters. To explain, dad and mum become friends to their progeny. Their sons and daughters would not eye them as authoritarian.

But what about the shape of reaction of our youth themselves to these freely offered services?

Listening is the answer. Heeding the advice of family elders, including parents will be both productive and helpful. It  goes  without  saying that some current problems faced by youth have been resulting from an attitude of arrogance on their part, a feeling of independence in their own world and non- welcoming of advice. However, this faculty of listening has  been instrumental in successes of scores of listening youth!

  1. Mohamed Tewfik